In the case of a serious latent babesiasis infection, which combination of NHV products would be the best treatment? Is there a precedent of complete recovery of babesiasis?

Yucca: It has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant properties and the saponins present in Yucca have anti-parasite activity by complexing with cholesterol in parasite cell membranes, causing damage to the integrity of the membrane, and cell lysis. Also, this steroidal saponins may given to decrease destruction of the red cell (anemia).

Turmeric: The curcumin found in turmeric contains several anti-inflammatory compounds and COX2 inhibitors. Therefore, it can be powerful against different types inflammations.

Milk-Thistle: As babesia can cause kidney problems and sometime failure. Therefore, Milk-Thistle can be very helpful because it can detoxify the liver and kidney by removing toxins that can build up in the system.

Multi-Essentials: It is a plant-based multi-vitamin that will be helpful for anemia, that is one of the mean symptoms of Babesia.

PetOmega 3: As babesia can affect different organs, I believe that this fatty acid may help supporting cardiac health, coat conditions, joints and kidney.

Natures Immuno: It can boost the immune system that will recognizes the infected red blood cells and destroys them in an effort to kill the parasites.

BK Detox: it can help the immune system and detoxify the vital organs and the blood that are infected by parasites in Babesia.

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